Exploring God’s story with one another to discover each other’s purpose.
Click here to register for any of our current small groups
Fall 2024 small groups and classes begin the week of September 8th (unless otherwise noted). To view our full list of courses available for your journey of faith, visit the church office.
The information for Zoom classes will be sent out by your group leader within a week of your first class. If you do not receive it, contact the church office.
*Childcare will only be available to those who request it during registration for groups meeting at the church. Click here to request childcare.
One Another:
The New Testament Prescription for Transformation
In this series we are reminded that we are the “one another religion” as we are guided through the images of the church that remind us that we are “in this together” – a family, a temple of living stones, called “the body of Christ.” We will discover how each image reinforces our connections with and our obligation to one another and we seek to be all that our God is calling us to be.
Study books are available in the church office for $10.
Time: 9:30 – 10:30 am
Place: room 206
Led by: John Dilworth
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Type: Online – Zoom
Led by: Pastor Jared Priset
Time: 9:15 – 10:15 am – starting September 16th
Place: Old Conference Room
Led by: Pastor Jared Priset & Mardy DiGiacinto
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm (1st & 3rd Monday – starting September 16th)
Place: room 202
Led by: Julia Fabich
Young Womens Group
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Place: room 201
Led by: Meredith Priset & Bobby Scafate
Parenting Group
Time: 6:15 – 7:30 pm – started August 7th
Place: room 202
Led by: Pastor Bryan George
Mens Group
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 am – ongoing
Place: room 206 & Zoom
Led by: Pastor Bryan George
Men’s Group
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Place: room 206
Led by: Pastors Jared Priset & Robby Strock
OTHER Small Groups
New Members Class
Dates: Sundays, September 8th – October 6th
Time: 12:15 pm ~ September 8th; 5:00 – 6:30 pm ~ remainder
Place: room 206
Led by: Pastor Bryan George
The informal luncheon will give you an opportunity to learn more about our church. Those interested in becoming church members will continue with a four-week class. New members will be received on Sunday, October 13th at the service of their choice.
Book of Isaiah
Dates: Mondays
Time: 1:00 – 2:15 pm
Place: room 201
Led by: Pastor Jared Priset & Mardy DiGiacinto
The book of Isaiah serves as a powerful testimony to the character of God and His covenant purposes. Throughout this year we will explores the prophesies of Isaiah and discover the truth about God’s holiness and the depth of our sin, but also the promising renewal that God is bringing to the entire creation.
Post-High Bible Study
Dates: Wednesdays
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Place: room 203
Led by: Ashley Monteleone
This group is working through a book entitled, “Finding Your Way: Journey through the Storyline of the Bible” and would love to be a place for young adults to grow in their understanding of God’s Word and also build relationships with one another.
20-something’s Bible Study
Dates: Fridays, beginning September 6th
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Place: room 113
Led by: Abby Orellana
Join a group of people in their 20’s for the Lion of Judah Bible Study. Whether you’re curious about faith, just accepted Christ for the first time, or grew up in church, all are welcome. Dive deeper into God’s Word and grow stronger in your faith. We will have food, fun and build a faith family as you go through different books of the bible. Use the lower-level youth entrance.
Small Groups for Parents
Care & Connect
Dates: 2nd Monday of the Month
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm (food will be available)
Place: room 201
The mission of our Care and Connect support group is to connect, support, and encourage foster, adoptive, and kinship families as they serve the vulnerable children in our community. For more information, contact Julia Fabich
Single & Parenting
Dates: Mondays, September 9th – October 14th
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Place: room 203
Led by: Angela Fritz
Single and parenting is a program that helps single moms find practical help and encouragement as they seek to successfully guide their children into adulthood.
Dates: Every other Wednesday, beginning September 18th
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Type: room 214
Led by: Angela Fritz
A group for moms of preschoolers and school age children, providing education and support in the challenging and rewarding journey of parenting.
For more information, contact Angela Fritz, 330-499-8972
Jesus in the Home – Parenting Class
Dates: Wednesdays
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Place: room 201
Led by: Meredith Priset & Bobby Scafate
In this small group, we apply biblical truths to parenting, while being surrounded by an atmosphere of love and support.
P.A.C.T – Praying for Adult Children Together
Date: 1st Thursday each month
Time: 10:00 am
Place: room 201
Led by: Sue Hirschman
Pray for our adult children and grandchildren and commit to praying for one another’s requests between gatherings. Prayer concerns remain confidential. Bring a notebook to record prayer requests. Both women and men are welcome.
Womens Small Groups
Women’s Bible Study
Dates: Mondays
Moms on the Move: 10:00 – 11:30 am, room 201
Daytime: 1:00 – 2:30 pm, room 206
Led by: Angela Fritz
Video series & discussions on biblical topics and modern life.
Off-Site Bible Study
Dates: Mondays
Time: 9:30 – 11:00 am
Place: Sebia Crum’s home (contact the church office for information)
Led by: Sebia Crum
Focus on studying specific books of the Bible.
Off-Site Bible Study
Dates: 3rd Thursday of the month
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 pm (food will be available)
Place: Debbie Messer’s home in Canal Fulton
Contact: Debbie Messner – 330-801-0599
Seeing the goodness of God in your life and putting value back into friendships.
Women’s Book Club
Dates: 1st Wednesdays
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Place: room 201
Led by: Sue Hoffmeyer, 330-704-1774
An opportunity for Christian women to read books that support spiritual growth while providing fellowship. Books include non-fiction, biographies and fiction discussed from a Christian perspective. Women may join at any time.
Widow’s Connection
Monthly luncheon at various restaurants to promote fellowship and friendship. Learn more about other planned activities at our luncheons. Women may join this group at any time. For more information contact Sue Hoffmeyer, 330-704-1774.
Healing Ministries
Click here to register for any of our healing ministries
Dates: Mondays, August 19th – November 18th (won’t meet on September 2nd for Labor Day)
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Place: room 108
Cost: $25 workbook; scholarships available
DivorceCare is a life-changing support group that welcomes people and guides them on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. This 13-week group uses video-based teaching and interactive discussions to help provide comfort and hope.
Dates: Thursdays, August 15th – November 7th
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Place: room 105
Cost: $25 workbook; scholarships available
We welcome anyone who is dealing with the loss of a loved one. This Biblically-based program delivers hope and peer support for those going through the grieving process.
Click here to register for any of our current small groups
*Childcare will only be available to those who request it during registration.
If you are interested in joining a small group, or have additional questions please contact Pastor Jared Priset, 330-499-8972.