Maybe you haven’t relocated to a new community lately. But if you have changed jobs, churches, small groups or in some way made a big life move, you may be feeling the effects of RSMx. This syndrome, Relocation Stress Meltdown, can cause you to be irritable, on edge and unpleasant to be around. This is caused by the stress of change and the feelings of doubt that are felt after a leap of faith.
When you make the decision to change your course, it is natural to worry if it is the right way to go. You wonder if you will be better off staying with the status quo, or making a different change. You worry if God will be with you on your journey, and he will be happy with your destination. In order to feel secure in your decisions, keep faith. Remember that God will not give up on you, and place your trust in Him. You must not compare where you are going to where you have been. We tend to glorify the past at the expense of the present. We forget all the bad things and only remember the best of times.
No matter where our temporary residence may be, we have a permanent residence because of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that will be our permanent residence. If we live our lives with this knowledge in our minds and hearts then we can go anywhere, without fear of RSMx. This is because we always have our roots firmly planted in God, and he has a home waiting for us.
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